Category: Fly

Visions of New Concourses at St. Louis-Lambert International Airport
The complete demolition and replacement of the Terminal 1 concourses is one of the possible scenarios in Lambert Airport's master plan.

The Triangulation of STL-CHI-IND High-Speed Rail
With the $1.2 billion high-speed rail project between Chicago and St. Louis moving apace, Illinois is moving on to bigger and faster projects. Proposed 220-mph high-speed rail lines. // MHSRA. Last month, Illinois Governor Quinn announced a partnership with the...

Chicago-St. Louis High-Speed Rail Project Continues to Move Forward
Since September 2010, Illinois has been busy upgrading 90 miles of track on the Chicago-St. Louis rail corridor to support speeds of 110 mph for passenger rail service. This particular project will cost $110 million and if it hasn’t already,...

Illinois May Receive More Money for High-Speed Rail
According to the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, the White House is going to redirect high-speed rail money previously allocated to Wisconsin and Ohio to other states including Illinois. Congressional sources say the Obama administration is taking $1.2...

Seventeen Minutes for the Northeast Corridor
The northeast corridor is the only true high speed rail line in the United States. Despite the unique distinction, the corridor is still considered painfully slow and unreliable, especially when compared to its perceived potential. Focusing on the northern half...

Illinois awarded $1.1 Billion for Higher Speed Rail
Yesterday in Tampa, President Obama and Vice President Biden announced the recipients of $8 billion in ARRA High-Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail grants. Illinois came out as one of the big winners and will receive $1.1 billion for upgrades to...