Category: Drive

Not All Grade Separated Intersections Are Bad: An Idea for Kingshighway and Forest Park Parkway
Congestion is a big concern with the new signalized intersection. A single grade-separated left turn ramp may be all that is necessary to alleviate that concern.

Alternative Concept for I-64 Interchange at Boyle/Tower Grove
The influx of traffic coming from a soon to be built I-64 interchange at Tower Grove will present an additional danger to pedestrians and bicyclists attempting to cross the highway. That’s what many citizens expressed at a recent public meeting...

Downtown May Lose Access to I-70 Reversible Lanes
Come 2015, downtown commuters may lose access to the I-70 reversible lanes thanks to a combination of construction for the new Mississippi River Bridge and a landscaped highway “lid” across I-70. When the new Mississippi River Bridge opens to traffic...

Interstate 70 Is Disturbing the Peace at the Arch
Much has been said how Interstate 70 is a physical barrier between downtown and the Arch grounds—a moat that is crossable in only a few select locations. Less has been said about the psychological barrier the highway presents, particularly when...

Once Upon a Boulevard
Did you know that Memorial Dr, long ago known as Third St, was once just a two lane road? It’s hard to imagine when looking at Memorial Dr in it’s current state—3 lanes in each direction with a 4 soon...

MoDOT Proposed Gas Tax Increase Falls Well Short of Funding New I-70, Future Projects
So MoDOT recently came forward with some ideas on how it might pay for the $1.5-4 billion project to rebuild and widen I-70 between Kansas City and St. Louis. The two options they proposed included 1) a 15¢ increase in...

Trains Really Are Safer Than Cars
Recently, David Stokes of the Show-Me Institute made the surprising statement that, per passenger mile, cars are safer than trains and using his claim as an argument against building high-speed rail in the United States. Later in the interview, Harnish...

Kirkwood May Demolish Two Buildings for Additional Parking
What is the price of parking in downtown neighborhoods? That is the question the Kirkwood City Council will tackle at its meeting tonight at Kirkwood City Hall. At issue is a perceived lack of parking in downtown Kirkwood and its...

MoDOT Set to Build Tower Grove/I-64 Interchange
MoDOT is getting ready to begin major work on I-64 between Kingshighway and Sarah. The project is essentially a continuation of the I-64 rebuild that closed segments of the highway between Spoede and Kingshighway in 2008 and 2009. Environmental studies...

St. Louisans Familiar With False Claims of Carmaggedon
Carmaggedon in Los Angeles came and went with a fizzle. In fact, it may have been the best day for driving on LA freeways since the 1984 Olympics. For more than two weeks, officials in the land of Hollywood attracted...

Urban Mobility Report Points to Overbuilt Roads in St. Louis
The Urban Mobility Report published earlier this year revealed a surprising dichotomy about congestion in St. Louis. Despite congestion continuing to decrease since 2000 as represented by the report’s travel time index statistic shown on the right, travel time for...

New Mississippi River Bridge Will Give Tucker Blvd A New Purpose
Construction on the new Mississippi River bridge project is about to gain significantly increased visibility over the coming spring and summer months. During the winter, construction crews poured the bridge’s foundations. With that work recently completed, work has begun on...