Category: Drive

Much Ado About Interstate 70 Traffic Downtown
MoDOT is worried about traffic issues that may result from the replacement of I-70 downtown with an urban boulevard as proposed by City to River. From an STLtoday Road Crew discussion: Linda Wilson: [MoDOT’s] position is that after we build...

Clayton Looks to Narrow Its Downtown Streets, Improve Pedestrian Realm
Sasaki Associates has been working with the City of Clayton, recently, to update and revise their central business district master plan. Among the many recommendations made in the draft report released last month are improvements to pedestrian space in downtown...

The Economic Impact of Highway Removal Is Zero
According to a survey performed by HDR Consulting in coordination with MoDOT, the two-year closure of I-64 had no discernible economic impact on businesses near the highway as compared to businesses elsewhere in the St. Louis region. HDR Consulting believes...

Streetscape Plans in the City
Given that I don’t have time to cover all the streetscape projects planned in the city of St. Louis this year, here’s a quick link list to the plans for each project. South Vandeventer – Kingshighway to Shaw (Dotage St....

Streetscape Plans for Grand Ave: Grand Center
Mere hours after the large concrete pots and barriers had been installed along South Grand from Arsenal to Utah—officials, residents, businesses, bicyclists, drivers—everyone was happy. To the surprise of many, including St. Louis Streets Director Todd Waelterman, traffic continued to...

Streetscape Plans for Grand Ave: Park to Chouteau
Plans for the intersection of Grand Ave at Park Ave. Source: St. Louis Board of Public Service. Substantial portions of Grand Ave in mid and south city will be getting a makeover this year. Among them is the stretch of...

Frontenac Committee Recommends Returning Clayton Rd to Two Lanes
Last night, the Frontenac Ways & Means Committee held a public forum to discuss the options for striping Clayton Road from Spoede Rd to the city limits at Bopp Rd. The two main options being considered were to return Clayton...