The Political Fix blog on the website managed to acquire the township level results from Tuesday’s Proposition A vote. Upon finding the data, I set about mapping the results to better visualize and compare them to the Proposition M results from 2008.

Two maps are shown below: one shows the percentage of people who voted in favor of Proposition A in each township, the other shows the increase in support voters showed for Proposition A as compared to Proposition M. The map for Proposition M can be found here.

What jumps out immediately is the broad level of support Proposition A had: only five townships in St. Louis County voted no. Every single township showed an increase in support for Proposition A of at least 4% compared to Proposition M. What is truly astonishing, though, is the level of support that came from North County. Seven townships voted in excess of 75% in favor; three of those in excess of 80%. Four North County townships increased their support for Proposition A by more than 25% compared to Proposition M. It appears Propostion A supporters did absolutely phenomenal jobs getting the word out.

Now with the public’s strong vote of confidence in Metro, it is time for Metro and East-West Gateway to get to work restoring and improving the region’s transit system. The people are depending on you.

Prop A Results - Apr '10
Chart showing the results for Proposition A in St. Louis County. Current and proposed MetroLink lines are overlaid in black.
Increase in support for Prop A
Chart showing the increase in support for Proposition A compared to Proposition M from 2008.

Posted by Herbie Markwort

I like to write about transportation.


  1. This is just amazing. It's like music to my ears.

  2. love it. you need to identify yourself. 🙂 What high school did you go to? You may contact me directly. LOL ROFLMAO

  3. that's so different from your last map.sea of supportsea changegreat work everyone

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